Secondary Levels
You may spend Epic XP to gain levels in secondary classes--that is, classes other than the one (if any) in which you have already reached level 20.
The first secondary level you gain costs 1,000 xp, the second costs 2,000 xp, and so on. It doesn't matter which class you take a secondary level in...the cost increases by 1,000 xp for every level you take.
If you take a level in a base class you have already maxed out to 20 (in order to achieve more levels in a new path), the cost is only 75% of normal for that level. This does not affect future levels. You gain no benefits from the core class for doing this.
When you gain secondary levels, you gain all of the normal benefits of leveling, including:
- Class features
- Spellcasting ability
- Paths
- Save bonuses
However, a secondary level does not increase your total level, for the purposes of calculating your factors, which affect HP, damage, etc.